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Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Family Meeting Place

Pictured -Mom & Dad, Perry Oklahoma, court steps -Aunt Ruth & Dad

When we would take our trips to Kansas, aunt Ruth and uncle Jim would always have a family gathering, we would always look forward to the gathering. My brother called it "the family meeting". It gave us a chance to see our aunts, uncles, cousins and of course Grandma and Grandpa. Saw my first lightning bug at their house, my dad put one in a glass jar with holes in the lid. I thought I had a diamond, still get a thrill when I see a lightning bug.

Later on when my dad couldn't drive that far, and my grandparents had passed, I drove my parents out for aunt Ruth and uncle Jim's 60th wedding anniversary, the next day, after the celebration, we had the family meeting. My husband Jerry flew out for the weekend, what a wonderful day, and what a great trip, and good home made food. I got to see my uncle Mike, who I hadn't seen since I was a kid. What stories he told! Only wish my sister and brother and kids, could have made the trip.

The trip was great, we stopped in Oklahoma at the courthouse, where my mom and dad were married. My parents wedding dinner was at the bus stop, they had bean soup.

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