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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

On yesterdays posting I said we stopped to eat lunch, wellllll-there were no fast food places, it was a picnic. How things change.
June 7, 1959-To church, new minister here for first time. Knox's here for dinner.
1960-Cool, had more rain dried cloths, mostly inside Dad to Burns with Shorty, fished some p.m.
1961-Picked strawberries picked some peas eve.
1962-canned 4 pt pineapple
1963-Katie and girls came eve, brought sweet potato plants.
June 8, 1959-washed a.m. mowed yd. p.m.Dad put in bridge.
1960-cool, ironed am picked peas pm one half bu. Pecks stopped with new station wagon pm Eloise girls Ann and Judy came eve.
1961-Got up early. picked about bu. peas. Mariana and children up to help hull peas. Barbara staid over.
1963-Cleaned am baked cookies made noodles set out sweet potato plants. Mrs. Noell and Ralph Notz called pm Dad fished all day.
June 9, 1959-Ironed am worked in garden pm set out tomato plants and asters
1960-cool more rain-Defrosted packed 12 pts peas for freezer made pt. strawberry preserves.
1961-Cleaned bedrooms 1 living room picked strawberries and peas eve.
1962-Dad Sat work
1963-To church and ss Ralph Notz came home with us for dinner. The Rowe's came, Julia and Betty came after Ralph. Wilson's came eve.
June 10,1959-Johns stopped early am
1961-Did up Sat work, baked rolls got lettuce and peas ready. Dad and Barbara to Burns pm
1962-To church and ss no company, to board meeting eve.
1963-Washed am watered garden pm Dad fished pm
June 11, 1959-Warm, Cut out my dress from Mariana and started it.
1960-Did up Sat work Judy came pm She went to Burns eve, Dad to town pm
1961-To church and ss am Wilson's here for dinner. We went to Phillips anniversary pm and called on Cal Heyman
1962-Washed and ironed rained and hailed pm .46 rain
1963-Hot & windy. Ironed Dad worked garden a.m. fished p.m. got 15 pastured(?) flower bed eve.
Hulda Frey passed away early morn.
June 12, 1959-Finished my dress, cleaned bedroom and living room
1960-To church and ss the Rowe's and Judy here for dinner.
1961-Hot and windy. Worked in garden. Picked last strawberries pm fixed some peas.
1962-worked outside most of day.
1963-Hot and dry, Did some watering am. Em and Rosemary stopped asked us to g0 to Wathena. I defrosted cleaned up house.
June 13, 1959-Put in pump to irrigate potatoes irrigated st berries and beans. Dad to ElDo p.m.
1960-Rainy, didn't do much of anything.
1961-hot and windy. Worked in garden all forenoon, cleaned off pea patch and picked bucket full peas, hulled peas p.m. Dad to Burns with Shorty. planted cantaloupes eve.
1962-patched some - baked pie, Dad and minister went fishing am they staid for dinner
1963-We went to Wathena with Katie and girls. left 5:30, went to Hulden Freys funeral, hot day, had dinner at Duboels(?), got home 9 p.m.

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