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Monday, August 30, 2010

Aug. 30, 2010-
When visiting my aunt and Uncle in Kansas, my cousin use to take my brother and I out horse back riding through the corn fields, then we would rest under a tree by a pond or little lake. Corn fields, another beautiful Kansas sight.
This photo was taken yesterday, my medicine wheel garden, I was so excited when I notice this ear of corn, surrounded by sweet potato, rosemary and a couple of mango trees that have taken root. The corn probably won't get much bigger, but I don't care. This garden ??? is growing on coral. We are about 14 ft. above sea level. Actually this garden is a compose pile. Aug. 29, 1959-Cleaned up house, Anne and boys, Mick and Dick here for dinner, Dad to board meeting we went to El Do and Marianas p.m.
1960-Washed, did few peaches and tomatoes p.m. Bertha B got one half peaches.
1961-Ironed a.m. patched p.m. Dad painted on house.
1962-To Knausman wedding eve went with G. girls.
1963-To El Do eve.
Aug. 30, 1959-1.02 in rain-Went to ss and church a.m. Mae, Alta and boys here for dinner took Tuck the dog home with them. Wilsons here eve.
1960-Ironed a.m., patched p.m.
1961-Canned 6 qts tomatoes a.m. Patched p.m. Dad painted. HOT
1962-Did hand wash, Dooleys called p.m. watered flowers eve. Dad to El Do
Aug. 31, 1959-I washed picked one bu tomatoes canned 8 qts. p.m. Dad to town a.m . maintained p.m. Shorty brought watermelon.
1961-Warm-I cleaned out flower bed Dad painted a.m. to El Do p.m.
1962-Picked bucket tomatoes canned 4 qts. Dad and Shorty went fishing cleaned p.m.
1963-Did Sat. work made rolls and pie and cookies.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Aug. 28, 1959-Picked one half bu tomatoes, canned 10 qts. Mick and Dick got back from NC.
1960-To church and ss Mae here for dinner, Mariana came for peaches eve, we went to church to hear The Harturgug. (?)
1961-Washed, canned few tomatoes.
1962-The Winchers left 10 am

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Aug. 26, 1959-Dad mowed, I picked bucket tomatoes canned 4 qts did hand wash and pressing
1960-Sent pears to Herbs
1961-Cleaned up house picked tomatoes canned some.Dad mowed cemetery and our yd. to Burns p.m.
1962-To church and ss. Rowes, Mae Wilson's came p.m. Ruth and girls stopped few minutes noon. Diane on way to Manhattan
1963-I cleaned out strawberry patch. Picked tomatoes, canned 3 qts. Wrote 2 letters. a.m. worked on pillow cases. Dad came home 3 p.m.
Aug. 27, 1959-Dad on road spraying. I mowed east yd.
1960-worked up peaches and tomatoes. Pat and Ann and children came after peaches p.m. also Hertha and Carolyn-
1961-Went to church and ss M.veans back after vacation. To Katies for supper.
1962-Took ride with Winchers p.m. stopped at Mariana's came home ate went to Katies eve.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Aug. 24, 2010-Woke up this morning to a flooded house, our 31 year old water heater gave out, what a mess.

August 25, 1959-Alta and boys got back from Utah and Denver. Dad mowed on road, went to guild at Howards p.m.

1960-Picked 4 bu peaches, 2 bu pears a.m. made peach butter p.m. sold 2 bu.


1962-Cleaned and baked got ready for company Wiachers fro St. Louis arrived 5:30 p.m.

1963-To church Judy went with us , Knoxs, Mae, Rowe boys came for dinner, Dad went home with Mae for his treatment Mon. Wilsons came evening.

Friday, August 20, 2010

My favorite flower is the Sunflower, thanks to the state of Kansas. I follow a blog that reminds me of our visits to see sunflower fields, but we never visited a field this beautiful. The photo of the butterfly, wooooa!

Aug. 21, 1959-Mowed weeds in strawberry patch, baked cookies. Dad maintained
1960-To Church and SS Rowe's here for dinner brought groceries, We went to picnic for E.Guggisbargs at Haglor eve. (?)
1961-We worked on "crofs"(?) all day, saw over 20 people
1963-Did some handwork p.m. Miss Stroud stopped a.m. Dad to El Do p.m.
August 22, 1959-HOT-Cleaned, picked some limas and tomatoes, baked cake and rolls, Dad maintained
1960-Worked with peaches
1961-Cold rainy day didn't do much picked tomatoes and beans p.m.
1963-Defrosted, did hand wash, Miss Stroud brought clothes to Alta, Dad fished.
Aug. 23, 1959- To SS and church no company
1960-Dad went to Leon to fish
1961-Canned few beans a.m. and tomatoes, Katie and girls came p.m. we went fishing finished crof calls eve.
Aug. 1959-Did some hoeing am went to Elmer Nelson funeral p.m.
1960-Had box of mangoes from Herbs
1961-Went to El Do, to Marianas and fair p.m. Stoid for drawing no winner
1963-Did up Sat. work, a.m. finished Mrs Strouds altering p.m. made pie for Sun

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Aug. 19, 1959-The Knox came eve
1961-Cleaned, canned tomatoes, baked cookies defrosted, picked one half bu tomatoes and some okra
1962-To church and ss Mae came, Barbara went home
1963-Washed a.m. to guild at Templeton's p.m. Picked tomatoes eve.
Aug. 20-1959-Mariana and children up for dinner. I mowed east yd eve Dad maintained
1961-Went to church and ss John Oliver preached, Mae here for dinner, Ruth and Diane came p.m. we went to Katie's to see Kettermans in the eve.
1962-Washed, wrote letters p.m. watered flowers eve. Dad fished
1963- Ironed a.m. Dad fished Alta brought 4 boys to spend day fishing. Eur and Rosemary brought Deebacks.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Aug. 15, 1959-Had 2 in rain overnight.
1960-Washed and ironed picked tomatoes towards eve. Dad and Rod fished twice.
1961-Washed a.m. went to guild at Fosters p.m. had part of lesson. Judy came and staid all night.
Aug. 16, 1959-To church and ss The McLean's here for dinner also Mae
1960-Went to Wich. Dad had cyst on back removed. Mariana took us over. Rod wanted to come back with us.
1961-I ironed a.m. Judy here for day, Eloise came after her in the evening.
1962-Ice Cream social at church eve. very cool.
Aug. 17, 1959-Washed picked lima beans hulled them eve.
1961-Picked kidney and lima beans and hulled them.
1962-Canned few tomatoes, baked cookies.
1963-John Rookds wedding Dads face not doing well.
Aug. 18, 1959-Processed limas for freezer, ironed. Dad on road.
1961-Canned 10 pts kidney beans froze some limas, picked more lima beans froze 4 pts.
1962-Baked rolls cleaned
1963-Went to Wichita with Katie and girls. Dad had his face treated, we all went to Newton and Peabody afterwards.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Aug. 13, 1959-Picked one half bu Lima's froze 9 Pt's, Dad mowed went to Katie's eve.
1960-Did Sat work. canned few tomatoes. To El Do p.m.
1961-Rained most of the day, to church and ss no company
1963-much cooler, Worked out all a.m. cleaned out Strawberry patch picked Lima's froze 4 Pt's. Dooley's called eve.
Aug. 14, 1959-Went fishing and picnic with Katie and girls, caught nice string fish, began to rain about 9 p.m.
1960-To church and ss a.m. Mae and Rod here for dinner. Knox's came p.m. Wilson's in the eve. Rod staid over.
1961-Cloudy day. Eloise and Judy arrived in El Do
1962-Barbara came to stay few days. Anne picked beans a.m. here for dinner. to Katie's eve.
1963-nice and cool

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Aug. 11, 1959-
1961-Anne came to pick beans staid for dinner, Dad mowed cemetery I watered strawberries and glads did some cleaning. Dad fished
1963-Hot-To church, Judy, Dick and McAllister went with us, Rowes and Mae came, all here for dinner. Rod home with them Altas came eve.
Aug. 12, 1959-Picked one half bu limas froze 8 pts, watered tomatoes and st berries. Dad mowed, went to church eve Mimes there
1961-Picked last corn-some tomatoes and okra, watered eve. Dad mowed yds, butchered trees mowed little canned 3 qts pickles.
1962-To church and ss cool no company for dinner.
1963-Hot canned and picked tomatoes a.m.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Aug. 7, 1959-
1960-Church and ss Rowes here for dinner, hot day.
1961-canned 5 pts red beans. Dad helped on road. I cleaned out weeds in garden, picked Lima beans.
1962-Herbs came back from Wichita. Diane brought back Larry eve.
Aug. 8, 1959-Did Sat work a.m. to El Do p.m. bought material to cover chair. Dad fished eve got 11 big fish.
1960-canned 3 qt tomatoes
1961-Ann and boys came for beans tomatoes ect. Dad went fishing p.m. Dad ? ? weed. I cultivated and garden cut some weeds, put 7 pts. Lima's in freezer.
1963-Sold 8 pts tomatoes
Aug. 9, 1959-To ss and church a.m. Phillips children went with us. no company.
1960-nice and cool. worked outside a.m. with quilt block p.m. Dad town with Shorty a.m. mowed yds p.m.
1961-Hertha came for dinner with some news. I worked out side a.m.
1962-Herbs left for home a.m. McGee's came p.m. took us out to eat eve, to Marianas afterwards
1963-Canned 5 qts tomatoes a.m. Went to Wichita for check up lunch at Alta's, Mariana took us, Rod came home with us.
Aug. 10, 1959-Worked outside.
1960-Cool, Worked outside a.m. Looked for used clothing p.m. Dad worked ? ? a.m. mowed cemetery p.m.
1961-Dad to town a.m. to get insurance fixed up, I baked cake and cookies.
1962-Late breakfast, McGee's left about noon for Wichita.
1963-Dad and Rod fished all day. I cleaned canned tomatoes, made rolls.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Aug. 5, 1959-Canned 7 qts kidney beans, watered sweet corn and st berries to wscs at Katies p.m.
1961-Worked most of day, baked cake & rolls, washed hair.
1962-We all went to Knox's for dinner-Larry and Diane went out eve. Wims, Pat and Children Katie and girls here eve. HOT
1963-Washed, picked 2 buckets tomatoes, canned 8 qts p.m. Dad to Newton with Shorty.
Aug. 6, 1959-
1961-To church and ss Mae came for dinner
1962-Herbs went to Wichita, Dad put up voting booths in school house. I picked tomatoes and kidney beans. canned 4 qts. tomatoes and red beans.
1963-Ironed a.m. patched, worked on blue print. Hot. Bob Kalps moved to Tex.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

July 30, 1959-Hot 96 degrees - Defrosted, canned 5 qt beans. Dad mowed, I worked outside a.m. fixed stove burner p.m. Pat and Annie and children came to pick beans p.m.
1960-To church and ss a.m. Mae came, Dad went to Doris Day funeral p.m.
1961-Hot-To church and ss a.m. Mae called no company.
1963-Hot-Cultivated strawberries and some of garden a.m. picked tomatoes.
July 31, 1959-Hot 95 degrees. Dad went mowing, I mowed in strawberry patch, dressed 2 chicks a.m.
1960-Washed a.m.
1961-Washed and fixed some corn for freezer. picked cukes and tomatoes Dad mowed roads.
1963-Hot, did some hoeing a.m. Picked bucket tomatoes.
Aug. 1, 1959-hot-Dad to Condell sale
1961-Hot I hoed 2 hrs. a.m. then ironed Johns came p.m. with Big Surprise. Dad mowed
1962-To USCS p.m. at Knausmans, had lesson picked beans and tomatoes
1963-Canned 4 qts tomatoes ? first of yr. sold. $100. worth cut out basted blue rose bud print dress. Dad to ElDo eve. Dad directed traffic for angus ?ouie.
Aug. 2,1959-Hot- We went to ss and church, Mae, Alta and boys came for dinner brought Docksbund.
1960-Ironed a.m. E.Guggesbergs called, we voted a.m. mended p.m. picked beans and tomatoes, okra.
1961-Dad finished mowing road a.m. I went to wscs at Noells p.m. had big shower of rain.
1962-Herbs came p.m. cleaned up house a.m. picked tomatoes.
1963-Worked on blue print dress.
Aug. 3, 1959-I washed Dad graded roads.
1960-Cleaned out wash house a.m. to wscs at Winsus p.m. rain p.m. more in eve 1.42 in electrical storm.
1961-We went to ElDo p.m. to Mariana's, staid in town for drawing, got groceries ate before coming home.
1962-Herbs went to Wichita p.m. after getting battery charged. Larry staid he and dad fished eve.
1963-Cleaned a.m. hot picked tomatoes canned 5 qt.
Aug. 4, 1959-Dad cleaned out ditches. I ironed patched - picked red beans, bulled them in eve.
1960-canned few tomatoes.
1961-Anns came for jars. I fixed some pickles, cleaned some
1962-hot-Cleaned picked tomatoes and beans got corn, made rolls, potato salad, went to Wilson's for picnic eve.
1963-To church a.m., no company rested p.m. Hot.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

July 26, 1959-Went to ss and church a.m. Katie & girls here for dinner, Wilson's came p.m.
1961-Quilted, Dad mowed
1963-Mowed east yd a.m. Dad worked on well house, he went fishing p.m. Judy came, I finished mowing around house watered flowers.
July 27, 1959-Dad dug potatoes Dick picked up Em. and R.M. stopped a.m. several showers of rain. Dad Dick and girls went fishing eve, Pecks came.
1960-Got 12 chickens at Katie's evening.
1961-Mariana and Children came p.m.Pearl called from Wichita, Dad mowed.
1963-Cleaned first tomatoes showery cooler. rested p.m. Dad went fishing p.m.
July 28, 1959-Dad to El Do a.m. he and Shorty went fishing p.m. I entertained D Graff guild p.m.
1960-Dressed 8 chickens a.m.
1961-I cleaned house, Pearl and Mack came about noon. Mack took us out for supper and Knox's and Pecks came eve. Pearl and Mack left 9 a.m. for Wich. and Amarillo. Dad mowed I fixed some corn for freezer dug one half bu potatoes picked first tomatoes finished green 9 patch quilt.
1962-Mae called to leave on trip p.m.
1963-Showers, cooler-To church a.m. no company rested all p.m.
July 29, 1959-Dad mowed roads, I worked outside a.m.
1962-Rained a.m. didn't go to church Rev Lohd here for dinner.
1963-Barbara's birthday.